Work With Us

Oxfam Australia - New economics and finance solution

TypeHuman worked with Oxfam Australia to develop their strategy to test a multipurpose cash-transfer-delivery platform using blockchain technology, supported by the Australian Government. TypeHuman’s role was a trusted technology advisor, supporting Oxfam in the design of the request for proposal, the selection criteria, and selection of the technology development partner, Sempo. TypeHuman also ensured the pilot project was established in a manner that would test the key properties of blockchain and web3 technology, with consideration for ethics, technology design standards, and scalability.

Oxfam Australia - New economics and finance solution

The Results

The 'Unblocked Cash Transfer Pilot' was successfully delivered between Oxfam Australia and Oxfam Vanuatu in April - May, 2019. The new system took an average of six minutes to onboard each user with a cryptocurrency tap and pay card, as opposed to an hour under the previous direct cash disbursements. The old cash disbursements method required cumbersome ID checks and visiting a local bank for settlement. This is the first time an NGO has used a stable coin (DAI) to provide aid anywhere.

The Unblocked Project lead at Oxfam in Vanuatu, Sandra Hart, said "For the first time ever, thanks to the use of a stablecoin, we now have end-to-end transparency, ensuring that the people who receive funds are the ones that need it. It's a game changer for Oxfam that ultimately makes our work easier and more effective."